Leabhar còcaireachd: Taois Gheur Feamainn Olivia


For the starter

  • 700g strong white flour

  • 125ml of warm water

For the loaf

  • 500g strong white flour

  • 1 tsp fine salt

  • 1 tbsp local honey or agave syrup

  • 300g sourdough starter

  • 100g dried seaweed


First make your starter. In a plastic container or jar, mix 100g of the flour with 125ml warm water. Mix the batter until smooth and lump free. Leave the lid of your container ajar for an hour or so in a warm place then close and set aside for 24 hrs.

For the next 6 days you will need to feed the starter each day. To do this, remove half the original starter and set aside- don’t throw this surplus away! Give it to a friend or use it in cooking; it makes excellent pancake or pakora batter, turned into flatbreads or used as a thickener in sauces.

With the remaining starter, add an extra 100g of flour and 125ml slightly warm water, whisking well each time, try to do this at roughly the same time everyday. After 3 – 4 days you should start to see bubbles appearing on the surface, and it will smell yeasty and a little acidic. This is a good indication that the starter is working. On the 8th day the starter should be quite bubbly and smell much sweeter. It is now ready to bake with.

Now you can make your first loaf.

Tip the flour, 225ml warm water, salt, honey, seaweed and sourdough starter into a large bowl. Stir with a wooden spoon, until combined, adding a little extra flour if it’s too sticky or a little extra warm water if it’s too dry. Tip onto a work surface and knead for about 10 mins until soft and elastic. The dough is ready when it bounces back when gently pressed with a finger.

Place the dough in a large, well oiled bowl and cover with an oiled sheet of cling film. Leave in a warm place to rise for 3 hrs.

Line a medium-sized bowl with a clean tea towel and flour it well. Tip the dough back onto your work surface and knead briefly to knock out any air bubbles. Shape the dough into a smooth ball and dust it with flour. Place the dough, seam side up, in the bowl, cover with a sheet of oiled cling film and leave for 6 – 8 hrs, until roughly doubled in size.

Place a large baking tray in the oven, set to 230C/​210C fan/​gas 8, to heat up. Fill a small roasting tin with a little water and place this in the bottom of the oven to create some steam. Remove the large tray from the oven, sprinkle with flour then carefully tip the risen dough onto the tray. You can slash the top a few times with a sharp knife if you like. Bake for 35 – 40 mins until golden brown and hollow sounding when tapped. Leave to cool on a wire rack for 20 mins before enjoying!

Taois Gheur Feamainn Olivia

Biadh dha: 1
Prep Time: 8640
Cook Time: 50


  • Airson tòiseachadh:
  • 700 g mìn-flùr geal làidir
  • 125 ml de dh'uisge blàth
  • Airson an lofa:
  • 500 g mìn-flùr geal làidir
  • 4 910 ml de shalainn mìn
  • 14 810 ml mil ionadail no siorap agave
  • 300 g Stuth tòiseachaidh taois gheur
  • 100 g Feamainn tioram


  1. An toiseach ullaich rud a chuireas an taois a' dol Ann an soitheach plastaig no cnagan, measgaich 100g den mhin-flùr le 125ml de dh'uisge blàth. Measgaich an taois gus am bi e rèidh agus gun chnapan. Fàg ceann a' chnagain beagan fosgailte airson uair a thìde no barrachd ann an àite blàth, agus an uairsin dùin e agus cuir an dàrna taobh e airson 24 uair.
  2. Airson nan ath 6 làithean feumaidh tu an taois a bhiadhadh gach latha. Gus seo a dhèanamh, cuir às do leth na taois a bh' ann bho thùs agus cuir an dàrna taobh e - na tilg a' chòrr dheth às! Thoir dha caraid e no cleachd e ann an còcaireachd; nì e foileag no taois pakora sàr-mhath, air a dhèanamh na bhreacag no gus sabhsan a dhèanamh tiugh.
  3. Leis an taois a tha air fhàgail, cuir 100g a bharrachd de flùr agus 125ml uisge meanbh-bhlàth, ga crathadh math gach turas, feuch ri seo a dhèanamh aig an aon àm gach latha. Às dèidh 3-4 latha bu chòir tòiseachadh air builgeanan fhaicinn air an uachdar, agus bidh fàileadh ann mar beirm agus beagan searbh. Tha seo na dheagh chomharra gu bheil an taois-tòiseachaidh ag obair. Air an 8mh latha bu chòir an taois a bhith làn builgeanan le fàileadh mòran nas mìlse. Tha e a-nis deiseil airson fuine.
  4. A-nis faodaidh tu a’ chiad lofa agad a dhèanamh.
  5. Cuir a' mhìn-flùr, 225ml uisge blàth, salann, mil, feamainn agus taois gheur a-steach do bhobhla mòr. Cuir mun cuairt e le spàin fiodha, gus am measgaich e, cuir beagan a bharrachd mìn-flùr ma tha e ro steigeach no beagan a-bharrachd uisge blàth ma tha e ro thioram. Cuir air bòrd e agus fuin an taois airson timcheall air 10 mionaidean gus am bi e bog agus sùbailte. Tha an taois deiseil ma thilleas i air ais gu a chruth ma bhrùthar gu socair i le meur.
  6. Cuir an taois ann am bobhla mòr le ola aig a bhonn agus còmhdaich e le clingfilm le ola air. Fàg ann an àite blàth i airson 3 uairean gus èirigh.
  7. Cuir searbhadair shoithichean glan ann am bonn bobhla meadhanach mòr agus cur mìn-flùr air. Cuir an taois air ais air a' bhòrd agus fuin i son ùine bhig gus nach bi builgeanan èadhair innte. Cuir an taois ann an cruth balla rèidh agus cuir mìn-flùr oirre. Cuir an taois, taobh nan oirean suas, anns a’ bhobhla, còmhdaich le duilleag de clingfilm le ola agus fàg e airson 6-8 uairean, gus am fàs i a dhà uiread.
  8. Cuir treidhe bèicearachd mhòr san àmhainn, cuir an teas gu gas 8 230C / fan 210C, gus teasachadh. Lìon soitheach ròstadh beag le beagan uisge agus cuir seo ann am bonn na h-àmhainn gus beagan smùid a chruthachadh. Thoir an treidhe mhòr às an àmhainn, cur mìn-flùr oirre agus an uairsin cuir an taois air an treidhe gu faiceallach. Faodar mullach na taois a sgrìobadh dhà no thrì tursan le sgian gheur. Cur dhan àmhainn i airson 35-40 mionaid gus am bi e donn is fuaim às mar gum biodh e falamh nuair a bhuailear e. Fàg e air treidhe uèir gus am fàs e fuar 20 mionaid gus an ith thu e le tlachd!