Clàr-innse na Pròiseict


Dàmhair 2022 — leantainneach

Based at 11 Fàsach, in Glendale, with James Oliver, exploring ‘island is land, is land in relation’

Feeling Wor(l)ds

Ògmhios 2022 — leantainneach

Duilich, chan eil seo ri fhaighinn ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta.

From Plockton to Portree: a boat project

Giblean 2022 — leantainneach

From Plockton to Portree is a boat project with Malcolm MacKenzie bringing people together to explore stories and relationships with the sea.

Club Ealain Nowhere

Giblean 2021 — leantainneach

Is e club ealain is dannsa a th ’ann an Club Ealain Nowhere air a stiùireadh le Molly Danter agus Sgitheanaich aois 14-17. Tha Molly na dannsair, neach-ealain agus sgeulaiche às an Aodainn Bhàin, tha i ag obair le ATLAS agus Seall am-bliadhna mar neach-ealain air muinntireas.

Stiùbhardachd sìl

Dàmhair 2020 — leantainneach

Aig diofar amannan den bhliadhna, cuiridh ATLAS air dòigh tachartasan toirt seachad sìl ceangailte ri dualchas ionadail agus sealbh fearann eadar-nàiseanta - tro sgaoileadh sìl agus innse sgeulachdan.

Muinntireas Tobar An Dualchais

Ògmhios 2020 — leantainneach

Muinntireas bliadhnail le taic bho bhuidseit chosgaisean is riochdachaidh, a' cuir fiachadh do luchd-ealain ùine de sgrùdadh poblach a chaitheamh aig tasglann didseatach Tobar an Dualchais. Fosgailte do luchd-ealain dealbh agus fuaim le ùidh ann an beul-aithris, tasglannan agus fuaim, tha an dreuchd seo ag amas air conaltradh brìoghmhor a bhrosnachadh le cultar is dualchas na Gàidhlig, agus freagairtean breithneachail agus mac-meanmnach a thogail do iom-fhillteachd eachdraidh na h-Alba agus fèin-aithne cultarach.

CLIMAVORE: Air Sgìrean-Tràghaidh

Sultain 2017 — leantainneach

‘S e CLIMAVORE pròiseact fad-ùine ga stiùireadh le luchd-ealain aig Cooking Sections, le grunn phròiseactan air feadh an t‑saoghail a tha a’ freagairt air na làraichean aca. A’ sgrùdadh mar a dh’itheas sinn agus mac-an-duine ag atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde: sgrùdaidh CLIMAVORE dòighean ithe a fhreagras air atharrachaidhean àrainneachd a dh’adhbhraich daoine.


Faoilleach 2013 — leantainneach

Bidh ATLAS Arts ag obair còmhla ri caochladh luchd-ealain agus luchd-dèanaidh gus sreath de dh'obair-ealain ann an eagrain chuingichte a chruthachadh, agus thèid a reic sa bhùth againn. Bidh buannachd an reic a' toirt taic don ath chuairt de dheasachaidhean na luchd-ealain, agus bho 2021 a-mach, bidh reic dheasachaidhean ùra air an roinn le carthannas no le buidheann a thaghas an luchd-ealain fhèin.

OVER/AT: A/am/ams

“When a met e, tha sgith was blue…”

Art in Schools

The Art in Schools project, funded by the Creative Scotland Youth Arts Access fund, will see five local artists connecting with local schools across the Skye and Lochalsh area to facilitate creativity and fun together, with a focus on child-led learning.

Other events and collaborations

Màrt 2023 — Giblean 2025

One off events, open days and collaborations such as film screenings, talks, workshops, community meals, and book making days that run alongside our programme.

Sgoil nan Teachd-shaoghalan Iomarra

Gearran 2021 — Sultain 2024

Thoisich Sgoil nan Teachd-shaoghalan Iomarra sa Ghearran 2021 agus ruithidh e tron bhliadhna. Còmhla ris an neach-ealain Emmie McLuskey, tha ochdnar chom-pàirtichean san Eilean Sgitheanach agus Loch Aillse a’ togail na sgoile eadar-dhealaichte seo gus bruidhinn mu fhìrinn agus cothroman beatha san Eilean Sgitheanach agus Loch Aillse.


Lùnastal 2023 — Iuchar 2024

Duilich, chan eil seo ri fhaighinn ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta.

A Commonplace Book of ATLAS

Gearran — Màrt 2022

Duilich, chan eil seo ri fhaighinn ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta.

Film coimhearsnachd Teachd-Shaoghalan Iomarra

Lùnastal 2020 — Sultain 2021

Tha ATLAS ag obair le Skye Climate Action air film coimhearsnachd fo stiùir Teachd-shaoghalan Iomarra a sheallas air eachdraidh agus ìomhaighean gnìomhachd, eilthireachd, beul-aithris, sgeulachdan, strì fearainn agus beairteas ìmpireachd san Eilean Sgitheanach. Tòisichear le cruinneachadh beul-aithris agus le sreath de thachartasan phoblach s a' chiad mhìos na dhà, èistidh am film coimhearsnachd ùr seo ri na h-eachdraidhean sin agus diofar sheallaidhean mun àm ri teachd air an eilean.

Dè ionnsaicheas sinn mu ghaol bho chrotal?

Ògmhios 2021

Cuairtean Treòraichte agus Tachartas Aoigheachd

Lunchtime Talks

Gearran — Màrt 2021

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

This new lunchtime series of talks brings together a range of artists and speakers reflecting on the history, heritage and reality of life in the Highlands and Islands. These informal get-togethers are open to anyone – sit back and listen or get involved as we talk more about artist practice on Skye and the complexity and brilliance of rural life.

First There is a Mountain

Màrt — Dàmhair 2019

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

ATLAS Arts is one of twenty-five coastal arts organisations around the UK to feature First There is a Mountain by Katie Paterson. It involves the creation of a set of ‘buckets and spades’ in the form of world mountains, from which the public will build mountains of sand across the UK coastline and play out the world’s natural geography against a series of tidal times.


Màrt 2017 — Cèitean 2019

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

SCREEN-IT is ATLAS’ film and moving image programme. Throughout the winter season, ATLAS screens artists’ moving-image monthly: encouraging a dialogue and discussion about the role of artists film and the themes explored through each film selection.

Women of Skye

Faoilleach — Dùbhlachd 2018

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

ATLAS Arts hosted a series of events in 2018 that focus on women. This included participating in Scalarama 2018 to celebrate everything F-rated as part of our Screen-It programme, from the first women filmmaker, Alice Guy-Blaché, to Scotland’s pioneering, Margaret Tait.

Contemporary Memorial: Staffin Community Trust

Faoilleach 2017 — Dùbhlachd 2018

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

ATLAS Arts is working with the Staffin Community Trust (Urras An Taobh Sear) to produce a series of pilot commissions with a view to creating a contemporary memorial to acknowledge the nineteenth-century crofters’ land struggle in the Staffin area.

Ragadawn (An t-Eilean Sgitheanach, 57.5º T)

Faoilleach 2016 — Lùnastal 2018

Tha ATLAS air a bhith ag obair còmhla ri Caroline Bergvall bho 2016 air ‘Ragadawn’, taisbeanadh guthach bonntaichte air àm èirigh na grèine, a tha ga dhèanamh air a’ bhlàr a-muigh eadar beul na h-oidhche is beul an latha. ‘S e pìos ioma-mothachail a th’ ann airson dà ghuth (a’ bruidhinn agus a’ seinn), iomadh cànan agus triceadan dealanach a thèid còmhla ri agus a mholas beul gorm an latha ùir.


Ògmhios 2016 — Iuchar 2018

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Eglantine, 2016, is the debut feature film by Glasgow-based artist Margaret Salmon. Installed in Dunvegan Castle, Eglantine, is a beautiful meditative and enchanting account of a young girl’s real and fantastical adventure in a remote forest one evening.

Còig Sgiathan / Five Wings

Ògmhios 2017 — Màrt 2018

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

ATLAS Arts has collaborated with local walking groups and artists to curate a series of walks around the Isle of Skye and Lochalsh.

A Work for the North Atlantic

Lùnastal 2016 — Lùnastal 2017

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

A Work for the North Atlantic is a year-long programme which encompasses; an installation of Bethan Huws’ film Singing for the Sea at the Skye Sailing Club in partnership with London-based art organisation, Artangel, a new artwork commission by visual artist, composer and musician, Richard Skelton, and schools’ workshops in collaboration with Aldeburgh Music’s international singing project, Friday Afternoons.

Ceumannan / Footsteps

Iuchar 2017

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Ceumann / Footsteps, commissioned by ATLAS Arts, brings together contemporary sound artist Jason Singh with Skye-based Gaelic musician Anne Martin in an intercultural exchange exploring the artists’ personal biographies which took them on a journey to North India to develop their ideas and connect with local musicans. Drawing from parallels in the landscapes, storytelling of the Isle of Skye and Northern India and the complementary harmonic traditions of Gaelic and Indian Raga they have co-created new musical compositions.

Early Warning Signs

Ògmhios 2017

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Early Warning Signs aims to allow the four rotating ‘climate change’ signs Ellie produced for the festival to continue to promote their cause long into the future.

Dualachas Chroitearachd Cairt-Chluiche / Cultural Crofting Playing Cards

Dùbhlachd 2016

Tha ​‘Cairtean-cluiche Dualchas Croitearachd’ a’ leudachadh air pròiseact a thòisich ATLAS ann an 2014. Dh’obraich iad an co-bhonn ri ionad-latha Craigard ann an Uibhist a Tuath agus Quigley air pròiseact fo ainm Beatha air an Talamh airson rannsachadh a dhèanamh air dualchas àraid agus cultar croitearachd.

ATLAS Arts Café

Dàmhair 2016

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

ATLAS Arts Café was a broadcast project on community radio station Cuillin FM. A monthly programme of talks, interviews and discussions with local, national and international artists – ATLAS Arts Café was produced and presented by ATLAS, with occasional guest producers and interviewers.

An Ataireachd Ard / Celestial Radio

Dàmhair 2016

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

A radio station on board a glittering, mirror-tiled yacht Celestial Radio transmits light and sound, broadcasting over the airwaves on 87.7FM. A flickering sequence: on, off, on, off, a vibrating movement like the patterns of a wave form or a blinking signal, the moment you begin to listen and make the journey the work starts to exist.

The Call of Mist

Dàmhair 2016

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

The Call of Mist was originally made in 1998 in memory of the artist’s mother, with the version ATLAS have installed, the 2012 Redux edition. Shot across many locations in the Isle of Skye, The Call of Mist is a vivid reflection on loss, memory and media and was originally commissioned and broadcast by BBC TV in the late 90’s. The re-edited 2012 Redux version of the short-film incorporates additional images that were removed from the television version, recovering Akomfrah’s original conception.

Land Line Five Walks In Skye

Sultain 2016

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Land Line was a series of five walks over five days that offered a unique chance to explore our relationship with the landscape. Led by Skye-based artist Caroline Dear, each featured a specially invited collaborator and encouraged observation and conversation.

Neo Neo Extreme Past

Iuchar 2016

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

NEO NEO Extreme Past, was an offsite ATLAS project. An exhibition featuring artists In the Shadow of the Hand, Niall Macdonald, Sophie Morrish, Bobby Niven and Hanna Tuulikki, the project built on a curatorial relationship between Emma Nicolson, ATLAS Director and artist/curator Gayle Meikle.


Cèitean 2016

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Atelier Skye was a three-day charrette (an intensive participatory group that engages a common enquiry) wherein a group of artists, curators, academic researchers and members of the local community worked with six common research ‘objects’ located in the north of the Isle of Skye (Trotternish, Waternish and Duirinish).

Travelling the Archive

Màrt 2016

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Travelling the Archive was a long-term project with artist Nicky Bird aimed at reimagining a time and place in Kyleakin’s past, for future audiences and current residents. Bird sought to share and make accessible the 1960s heritage of the close community of Kyleakin in the Isle of Skye, through a series of 35mm slide images taken during this period by seasonal visitor Miss Joan Wilcock.

Broad Reach

Faoilleach 2013 — Dùbhlachd 2015

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Broad Reach was a two-year curatorial residency based between ATLAS Arts and Taigh Chearsabhagh in North Uist. The residency brought together ATLAS Director Emma Nicolson and Project Curator Gayle Meikle in a partnership allowing cross-island programming.

Women of the Hill

Sultain — Dàmhair 2015

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

At sunset on Samhain ATLAS Arts presented Women of the Hill, a sell-out performance by artist and composer Hanna Tuulikki, created for the extraordinary archaeological site at High Pasture Cave, Kilbride, Glen Suardal, Isle of Skye.

Patterns of Flora / Mapping Seven Raasay Habitats

Cèitean — Dàmhair 2015

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Patterns of Flora / Mapping Seven Raasay Habitats is an ATLAS Arts commission by Frances Priest in collaboration with botanist Stephen Bungard. Celebrating the diverse plant life of the Island of Raasay, Frances created a bespoke collection of ceramic artworks that are permanently sited within Raasay House, which the public is welcome to view and enjoy.

Ten Pieces

Gearran 2015

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

BBC’s Ten Pieces project seeks to foster an appreciation of classical music amongst children aged between seven and fourteen. The project hopes to encourage a new generation of children to study the music and be inspired by it in any creative way possible! Looking for a range of creative responses to the musical repertoire – which changes each year – from new music compositions, to theatre, to animation and film, Ten Pieces culminates at the BBC Proms, where pupils work is shared and exhibited.

Talking Art Series

Cèitean 2012 — Dàmhair 2014

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Talking Art was a project that consisted of artists talks, presented as a monthly lecture programme in Portree. During 2012 and 2013, ATLAS worked with a diverse range of artists with varied artistic practices, inviting them to talk about their work. The series focused on artists’ personal approaches to how they work and their approach to making work in the public realm.


Lùnastal — Dàmhair 2014

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Are you LOCATIONALIZED by Joanne Tatham and Tom O’Sullivan was commissioned as a dual-sited, cross-island project between the Hebridean islands of Skye and North Uist. Are you LOCATIONALIZED was ATLAS’ contribution to the 2014 nationwide project GENERATION, a major exhibition programme which showcased some of the best and most significant artists to have emerged from Scotland over the preceding twenty-five years.

Temporary Spaces, Edible Places

Cèitean — Ògmhios 2014

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

During early summer 2014, Australian artist Keg de Souza was artist-in-residence between Kilmuir and Linicro. Drawing on her practice investigating spatial politics, Keg developed the project Temporary Spaces, Edible Places with pupils in Kilmuir Primary School.


Lùnastal — Samhain 2013

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Spincycle-Skye was a year-long multi-disciplinary project looking at culture through performance, music, visual arts and crafts. Drawing from a common theme of spin, ATLAS commissioned an array of artists to explore different projects inspired by all things that revolve, turn, rotate, mirror and repeat.

The Nation / Live-faith

Samhain 2013

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

The Nation / Live-Faith, a joint project between ATLAS and the National Galleries of Scotland, asked young people in Skye to explore the theme of faith using William Hole’s mural depiction of St Columba Addressing the Picts [on Skye], 597 AD (1895-1901) as their inspiration.

Colm Cille's Spiral

Lùnastal — Samhain 2013

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Colm Cille’s Spiral, a series of contemporary art and literature commissions and dialogues rethinking the legacy of sixth century Irish monk Colm Cille (St Columba). For this project, ATLAS worked with the Glasgow School of Art and others to produce Convocation, which fed into the wider Colm Cille’s Spiral programme.

Còmhlan Bheanntan / A Company of Mountains

Dàmhair 2013

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Alec Finlay’s còmhlan bheanntan / a company of mountains was an ATLAS Arts commission that saw the artist produce a variety of poems, photos, essays and ​‘word-mntn’ drawings which took inspiration from Sorley Maclean’s poem Ceann Loch Aeoineart.


Cèitean 2013

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Fernweh was a project instigated by Huntly-based Deveron Arts, which ATLAS along with three other collaborators, explored notions of travel and remoteness. Fernweh sought to highlight the intricacies of travel and hospitality within community and socially engaged art, particularly in a rural context.


Giblean 2013

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Belief by Thomson and Craighead is a documentary artwork exploring the notion of belief through information sourced online. Inspiration for the artwork stemmed from a piece of found-footage discussing the ‘faerie flag’ – an artifact steeped in mystery and myth, held at Dunvegan Castle in Skye.

Bàta Brèagha / Bonnie Boat

Sultain — Dàmhair 2011

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

Bàta Brèagha / ​Bonnie Boat was a large-scale project with an ambitious programme of events combining traditional craft skills, music, pop-up exhibitions, radio broadcasts, walks and workshops.


Iuchar — Sultain 2010

Chan fhaighear seo ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta

SCALE was guest curated by Steven McKenzie. McKenzie and ATLAS worked with seven artists from the Skye and Lochalsh area, commissioning them to produce the site-specific works. They were: James Adams, Daniel Bär, Zöe Birrell, Dana Macpherson, Julie Brook, Jessica Ramm, and Gill Russell. Each artist responded in a very different way, and worked with a variety of mediums, reflecting their individual practices.